Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Black penises are the bigger size, greatest, the yellow are the small and white in the middle

Asian semi-erect penispolu-erect penis of a black
Refusal of many people, to accept talent of black men.

If you ask someone "sex expert", will invariably get a response that is not true that black men have relatively the largest penises of all races. This is a myth, they say. If we look at statistics and facts, however, will understand that this is not a myth but the truth.

huge black cock

Ask the real experts: the prostitutes and gays

prostitutes are an expert in penis size! According to the testimonies of a number of prostitute in the world, blacks are relatively frequent with the longer and thicker penises, while Asians are shorter and thinner.

Whites are somewhere in between, although percentage black and white men with large penises are really almost the same percentage.

Most of his gay sexual contact with a lot of penises.

Messages gay confirmed observations of prostitutes on the amounts of different races.

Given the high promiscuity (sexually contacting a large number of partners) of homosexuals as people saw and tried many different penises, they may believe that blacks are the largest penises, are white middle-and Asians are the smallest members.

real big penis occur equally often in white and cherniOshte Do not you believe that?

For those who do not believe the testimonies of prostitutes and homosexuals, and some will cite scientific texts:

"Thus, the human penis as a highly specialized sexual organ shows high species dependence. Penis size varies within certain limits, among the different ethnic groups, the levels are greatest among black Africans, smaller among Europeans and most modest among Asians from the Far East, in the presence of any intermediate options. (Geoffrey F. Miller (1994) Evolution of the human brain through the mechanism of sexual selection: the mind as the primary instrument for courtship p.. 185)

{Ie, French military surgeon (1898/1972) with 30 years of experience in genitourinary diseases} is pozovyava different anatomical differences, which show identical differences between blacks, whites and Asians ... size of genitalia (highest among blacks and lowest among Asians). summarized data for the ethnic dimensions of the erect penis and found that average values are as follows: Asians - 10 - 14 cm length and 3.2 cm in diameter; Europeans - 14-15 cm long and 3.8 cm in diameter and Black - 16-20 cm long and 5 cm in diameter (JP Rashtan & A. F. Bogart (1987) Race differences in sexual behavior: Testing an evolutionary hypothesis. Journal of Personality Study 21 (4): p.. 536-7)

Racial differences in the size of the testicles and the vagina

These racial differences are also in force in relation to the size of the testicles, although between white and black differences are minimal. Testes of black and white are about twice larger than those of Asians from the Far East.

"Although measurements of testicular size by orhidometriya by live actors hardly be made to standardize, they showed that the Japanese and Koreans testicles are smaller than whites. Weighting of the test after an autopsy is more accurate and showed that Chinese models are twice lighter than Danish. Differences in body weight had a minor impact on this. " (Deymand J. (1986) Variations in the size of human testes. Magazine Nature (London) 320: 488)

That yellow have smaller testicles and penis suggests that the most likely produce less sperm than blacks and whites. This is one reason why people from the East have always expressed interest in the products increase sperm count and volume in its emptying. In their large populations, however, should not worry about the quality of their sperm.

Differences in sexual organs of men are also observed among women in some degree. Statistically, Asian really have smaller vaginas of European women and Ebony.

Although some attribute this fact to the stronger genes of black, another reason could be that Asian are more faithful to your partner than blacks sisters. If you remember the relationship between the degree of promiscuity among women and penis size in men, we can conclude that blacks have a larger penis that is to compensate for higher promiscuity among Ebony.
Differences in the angle of erection

There seems to be another racial difference in the penis, particularly the angle of erection. According to ethnic comparisons Asians generally have a rigid erection and angle almost parallel to the body. Erection of black is softer than the yellow and the angle is almost straight to the body. Now it is only evidence that I found on the issue, but if you find more, will post them.

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