Tuesday, 1 March 2011

The ideal penis size

Obviously, penises are of varying length and thickness, and a combination of both. This fact leads us to the last and most important point: where I fall in the scale of women's preferences and what she thinks about my penis?

For most of the women, penis size would fall in the following categories (using the previous definitions of small, big, etc. in terms of length and thickness):

1. ideal (perfect)
2. great but not perfect
3. satisfactory
4. acceptable
5. unacceptable
= Too small or too large in length and / or thickness or a strange combination of large and small

The bottom graph shows virtually all possible combinations of lengths and widths of the penis. Each combination corresponds to a certain preference expressed (A to E) and its ability to satisfy the statistical average woman.

Anyone can use graphics to deploy on its own length and girth of the penis and where they intersect will open in which women expressed a preference falls.

This graph is updated in addition to direct research and opinions, impressions and findings of a large number of women worldwide.

Examples (taken from the upper graphics)


With dimensions of 13.5 cm length and 18 cm thick you will be "acceptable" (too short but much thicker) = D.


At 20.5 cm long and 12.5 cm thick again are "acceptable" rather than "satisfactory" (great length but very thin) = D.


With a length of 19.5 cm and 15.5 cm thick are great but not perfect (great length, but slightly above mediocre thickness) = B.


At 15.5 cm long and 14.0 cm thick are on the border between "satisfactory" and "acceptable" Many women will not be satisfied. This is a border S.


By 12.5 cm long and 11.5 thick you F: unacceptable


At 28.0 cm long and 22.0 cm thickness is almost sure to get a unanimous E due to really big sizes too!

Important: Let me clarify that a majority of men will fall in the left inferior edge of the graph (C and D area). Those falling in the region of A are not more than 10% of all men.

Let us never forget that the ideal penis is not the only thing women are looking for. In large part, would prefer a decent-looking man with a size B or C (and some money) before any cattle size A.

Let us consider the case of a border size R. The probability for women to take it well is high, even if it could be rated and higher. But if you must choose between two men exactly the same (same character, traits, etc.) deep down she would choose the one with the best parameters of the penis. For this in more detail will be discussed a little further.

Ugly penis - nice penis: eccentric but ugly is not it? "Type" does it matter?

The graph above only deals with the length and thickness of the penis. Another ranking could be done in terms of aesthetic appearance of the penis with which things get more complicated. A penis size can be A, but too ugly to look for the woman. Conversely, it may be in size to but is too attractive views of the woman.

Women argue that the presentation is determined by the appearance of the whole package:

* Proportions, ie testicle size to those of the penis
* The way the penis hangs fallen sticks and erect
* Curvature of the penis
* Shape of the penis
* Color, softness and uniformity of skin
* "Muscle" of the penis (veins)
* The manner in which the testes are associated with penile
* How poi which the whole package "sense" of the body

Very complete gentlemen automatically have fewer fans in this list. Not circumcised penises are also considered less attractive, especially if the cuticles stick out a lot over the end of the head. Moreover, many women say they prefer less hairy men in the genital area, probably because many men prefer women to be cut and shaped area around the vagina. However, "postrizhkata has implications for all.

1 comment:

  1. There is so much misinformation and so many bogus products surrounding penis enlargement that when they discover the solution, no one will believe. So here goes; any male can permanently increase length and girth in the same way a bodybuilder adds mass and becomes larger. As you stress tissue, the body goes into a natural process of creating new cells making you larger. The question is not whether permanent enlargement is possible but instead, how do you safely stress penile tissue to promote cell growth? The answers can be found at MagnumRings.com
