Saturday, 5 March 2011

Sex positions for smaller penis - Penis Enlargement, How To Make Your Penis Bigger And Thicker

If your penis is smaller than the average (which we assume to be about 14-15 centimetres), it's probably bothering you. However, it must know that there are positions that will help you deliver the maximum pleasure of girl you in bed. They provide a possible deeper penetration and thus erased the difference between great and not so great article.


Of course, the penetration is not only on which to concentrate. Kissing, oral love, handwork - all this will prepare it for the real part and will help it met, the best way. Special attention to her clitoris - it's your best friend when it comes to satisfying a woman.

If she is sufficiently aroused before penetration during the act itself will it be much easier to do, regardless of the size you. Unless, of course, do not forget about proper posture:

Kucheshkata1. Dog

This is our favourite and I think that there is no dispute that this is the mother of all positions in sex. She first provides full penetration and the second allows you to enjoy the view. For maximum effect you try to be straddled, and she can collect her legs - it gives a feeling of tightness and full contact between both of you. Also, tell her to bend their backs to the maximum ground / bed and brace the head and shoulders on a pillow.

2. It is stomach

Posture is also called "snake". Your partner should lie on your stomach with legs straight and together. You're on it, your knees are on either side of her body Your body should be upright. Very important here is to not let your weight fall on her, then feeling it will be especially enjoyable. You can put a pillow under it to be easier penetration. It is possible that in the beginning it should dissolve your hips slightly to you could penetrate it, then you can still collect them.

3. Back again ...
The name of the posture is "rabbit ears". She lies on her back and knees and most downloaded her ears to help her keep her legs in this position and this position hack into it. Her vagina was fully open in this posture and allow free movement you back and forth. In this case, again you could put a pillow under her butt (or your hands to keep it up slightly). This will ensure better penetration and a better view for you.

4. Letter V

She is on her back, you penetrate it and then raises her legs in the air, holding her ankles, her thighs and dilution in the form of V. After a while, put them on his shoulders, while using your hands to stimulate her clitoris while penetrate her. Another option is to keep her thighs and slowly move back and forth in it.

In a nutshell

The key is to get it stirred up the core of maximum before and during the act to continue in that spirit - so you can not help you succeed it can satisfy it and so that the neighbours understand.


As already involved, most importantly not to worry if the size of your penis is smaller than average. Although many women are major members of purely visually exciting, many of them say they would like something in myself. (More on this topic in our forum!) So do not feel insecure and do not let some centimetres to affect your confidence. Even a man with a small penis can provide great pleasure of a woman, even possible, because it tries to compensate for its small size, it appears that such a man is more cautious and preferred by Women's lover.

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