Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Some tips to men with bigger size penis - Part 1

Not so talented men often think that only they have problems with the size of their penis. Furthermore believe that these large pieces with their lives and did not realize that they are sometimes put to serious tests.
Problems that gifted men face

1. Emotional problems


perceived only as a sexual object

feeling of being "used"

2. Problems with penetration


too long penis

too fat penis

1. Emotsionalni problems

Women look at you like a piece of meat ... At first glance, women look upon you as a sexual object looks attractive, but that is not really women you enjoy as a piece of meat to get her orgasm and once they are used They throw like a dirty cloth. According to them, your only role is to give them pleasure. Too often feel obliged to sleep with women, who do not even like to have sex. If not every day, every other day some girls will want it from you. Others think they are beautiful just mean they deserve your penis, without interest, that you are looking for a rather cool girl than horny, perky, beautiful bitch.

Accordingly, you ogorchava, because finally it appears that you appreciate mostly because of your penis. Over time you begin to get tired of that you see more women in the package than in the eyes. Dream you can lie back and let you make sweet love French gradually evaporate because it always turns out that you must penetrate and her pleasure.


For starters, be more severe and are not given simply because they want to have sex with you. You need to decide when to have sex and when not. Preserve your sexual energy for women who you think you deserve that otherwise would "burning" faster than you think.

On the other hand, if you do want to be with all these women, then do it! Not be submitted to the pressure of voluptuous and powerful women who will convince you that you should only their because many love you, but actually just like your penis. Once nature has given you this good, use it as best and his pleasure you deserve.

2. Problems with penetration

If you do not fall victim to the above problems, you can still have them and not get full satisfaction from their sex. Not to mention that you download and for problems with very penetrating.

Your size pleasure of women, but you need to know how to use them in the best manner. Often you may happen to feel miserable because you think your penis is very large, very long or very thick.

Problems with penetration because you think your penis is too long

Men with penis length over 20 cm often complain that their partner experienced pain on penetration. Many women do not like long penises, because they penetrate the uterus were subjected to shocks. But the problem is not with length (unless it exceeds 23 cm). It's more about the timeliness and equipment.

Timeliness of penetration

It does not mention the period of the year or month, although this may not matter intake from the vagina of a long penis. It is primarily the timeliness of penetration. If you remember the process of swelling of the uterus (see page. 18 Satisfaction with the length of the penis), will better understand what is meant.

When in the course of sexual play your partner gets wet enough, you should not think that it is ready for deep penetration. Although the walls of her vagina are relaxed and easy stretch, they still need to "warm up" and expand by itself. At the beginning of arousal, the vagina slowly began to swell. At bottom, however, the cervix (entrance to the uterus) is still too close to the entrance of the vagina. This can be felt with the finger, and even if you dig you will feel something like a curved button at the bottom of the vagina. Only after further stimulate a woman so exciting that her uterus is pulled inward and upward into the abdominal cavity, opening a space that has not previously existed. This is called swelling or bulging of the vagina.

How to tell if it has reached this stage? Well first you need to work on her most excitable. Whether you use your fingers, tongue or a few inches of your penis does not matter. What matters is better to "heated" before the "big bruise. Even one or two clitoral orgasms will not hurt it much. Only when the walls of the vagina are separated and become somehow more solid, you can say that it is ready to take over its entire length. Start a gentle and when you feel that you bear her vagina easily, you can score deep, strong strokes.

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