All men would like to know whether their penis is big enough to satisfy a woman to them. But who to ask, girlfriend, wife, someone else? The truth is that no woman will not tell your partner the truth about his penis (of course if it really is not very-gifted) and then for many reasons.
First, if a woman really holds the man who has a small penis (for reasons other than size), it tries to be nice to him and generally will try to flatter him. Naturally, this would not work if he wholeheartedly admit that his penis is a bit small. " Every man with an average or small penis would like to know what is perceived by women, but would not want to hear it right from your partner.
Moreover, there is a deeper reason why women hide their preference for larger penises. Since ancient times, female sexuality is something that could not speak publicly. And while men are accepted as normal to talk about lewd, women accustomed her hide. Imagine a woman who wholeheartedly admit that he prefers bigger penises. So you'll immediately think of the whore and usually men do not like to commit themselves permanently with whores.
Therefore, for women it is virtually impossible to speak of penis size. New alternative is the Internet, which at least allows them to anonymously talk about it. Now they can express their preferences to a larger penis and accidentally forums on the topic are full of such statements. However, the habit and their desire not to hurt men continue to make them say that size does not matter.
Internet consultation
Women's desire for greater penis an internet consultation female visitor on their perception of the importance of size, most women responded that "size matters" and the comment was "longer is better, thicker is better and the best is longer and thicker. "
Located However, women who are trying to be cool say penis size does not matter. Extremely fun to see how trying to explain how size does not matter, and they involuntarily show his subconscious desire for a bigger penis. Take a look at their statements and do not miss the comments to them.
1. "It's all in your head. Some of the nastier people of the world may be very gifted, but only because I would not one penis sex with one of them."
This woman obviously prefers big dick before. For her not to have sex with a gifted man, he must be among the nastier of the world. And correct! This is the same as "I make love to Tom Cruise, even if his penis is only 5 cm! Both examples illustrate attempts to deceive men, because they tend to mix different things. Men do not care whether women prefer cool or celebrities to big penis and whether a larger penis is preferable to the small penis.
2. "Many gifted man who is neither interested nor willing to satisfy a woman becomes a lover. Male sensual and eager to satisfy a woman is fantastic lover and the size of his penis does not matter."
Here's another insinuation that men are not gifted sensual and have no desire to pleasure a woman, while men with small penis are sensual and loving men. But let's face it, as it is: she wants a sensual and loving man with a big penis.
3. "Although the size has its advantages, the technique and skill to make love are far more important. What is your benefit to have a big worm, it does not know how it go fishing?"
Another one who wants to not offend men with small penis, and suggested that gifted men do not know how to use your device. The good news is that at least admits that the amount has any advantages.
This is a great piece!
"The size of the penis does not matter. Typically women receive from elsewhere greatest pleasure not from the penetration. If the penis is much bigger can cause serious problems, but if many smaller may be used other techniques. Big penis is more than another quarrel. "
This woman is trying to convince us that size does not matter, but is issued saying that the penis can be "much smaller". If size does not matter, then never penis could be "much smaller". The truth here is that it clearly does not want to admit that he did not fall much penetration.
5. "Not so much a question of size, but rather that thin as a pencil does not work. Overall, I prefer a thicker rather than longer, but my orgasm starts in the head, so do not rely so much on his penis .
"It's not that the question of size ... but I prefer a thicker ..." without comment.
6. "Give me your technique! Utopia is to want large size and good technique! But remember that great sex starts in the brain. How would the man is the key to everything."
First, emphasis on technique, but quickly remembers that size does matter. In order not to offend men with small penises refers that feelings are important for sex, but it moves from topic to vaginal emotional satisfaction.
7. "No amount not essential, but sometimes it's important. If the penis is too big for a woman it can cause pain, but if too small it will not be able to experience enough pleasure.
This silly girl unwittingly admits that when a woman says "not essential", it means that really matters.
8. "I rather I like oral sex, so I prefer the middle size penis. Guys, provided you interest in size. If you have good technique and language that it nothing to your size ... unless appears someone with better technique!"
This girl obviously mix everything. First says that the most important thing is to NeoSize XL. Recognizing that his fall more in love the French (and still prefers the "average") and she accidentally confirms that size matters for all women, even for "oral"! And if "oral" woman prefers "middle-sizers" which prefers "vaginal" woman? ... Familiar from the first time. And there are at least as "oral" as "vaginal" women. Yes, guys, as long as you NeoSize XL who did it for the amount your big penis ... unless it appears someone with a better ... Lang!
9. "For all you women is not a significant amount of what can be done with it! On my husband length is 10.6 cm and 11.2 cm circumference and with him I feel completely satisfied. Why then was this big squabble about penis size! !!!!!!"
If it these dimensions make it satisfying, and so we must be satisfied. Perhaps however, if ever experience how it makes her feel a 20 cm length and 18 cm circumference penis, you probably will not be able to get word of it while we explain what something is the size.
Some women really do not give a damn about the size
It is true that some women did not care about penis size. They do not care for sex in general. For them, to have sex "is not even the correct expression. They insist they have sex, they "make love". For them making love is a complete, complex process by which sex is a small part. Moreover, rare in their sexual experiences, the penetration does not matter.
tenderness, love and romance
Reviews you will see below show that these women are looking for tenderness, love and spirituality. There is nothing bad, but should not speak on behalf of other women than those demanded things and enjoying sex in the same (if not more) level with men.
1. "I think most women would agree that good sex has nothing to do with penetration. There are a total of foreplay, touching, spiritual unity and of course the attraction. The most like to have sex at least an hour with little penetration and a small penis, which does not kill! "
2. "Listen and talk of love and tenderness, care and unity of two people who were hugging and kissing, so is always great, whether lasts an hour or so minutes and you feel relaxed and relieved and when you wake up smiling on the cool man to whom you love and everything starts all over again! "
3. "Eeee! Not exaggerate a thing here? And where were all those things that starts? You know ... flowers, chocolate, walks under the stars ... Where was this romance?
4. "As a woman I do not think that the size of the penis there are at least important. If he kisses well, is gentle, caring and funny and obsessed of caring for my pleasure, everything is beautiful."
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